Rules of Use for Rolling Green Lake

The Lake Area of Rolling Green is private property owned by the Rolling Green Community Association, Inc. and is maintained for the use of the members of the Association and their families and guests.  Whenever a large number of individuals use the same facility, it becomes necessary to formulate rules so that all may obtain the maximum benefit from the facility.  With this thought in mind, the Association informs both members and residents of the following rules and procedures which pertain to the Lake Area:


  1. The lake area is for the exclusive use of the members of the association and their guests as provided below.
  2. An individual of a member household may invite up to three (3) guests to the lake at any one time.  A household may have a party of up to ten (10) guests.  These numbers may be exceeded provided a request to do so is directed as far in advance as possible to the chairman of the lake committee.  This is necessary to try to avoid having more people to come to the lake area than can be accommodated.
  3. Guests of members may use the facility only when accompanied by the resident member.  The resident member is responsible for the actions and conduct of bona fide guests.
  4. Users of the lake area are expected to be considerate of others and to conduct themselves in accordance with the rules of the Association and common sense and decency.
  5. Parents are responsible for the conduct of their children at all times while they are on Association property.  If children are observed creating mischief or disturbing or offending other members and guests, they can be asked to refrain from such activities or to vacate the area by an Association member.  Specific problems encountered with the children may be referred to the Board of Directors of the Rolling Green Community Association for consideration and resolution.  Parents of chronic abuses of the rules and standards of the Association will be informed in writing of the offenses by the Board of Directors.  Continued offending behavior could result in the temporary or permanent removal from the Association under provisions within the RGCA By-laws.
  6. The beach area is to be used for recreational purposes, e.g., swimming, sunbathing, etc. Guests of members, as provided by in paragraphs 2 and 3, are to be vouched for by members with them.  It is incumbent of each member to challenge unknown persons and request member identification or verify sponsorship of the guests.  Individuals who are not members or bona fide guests will be requested to vacate the area.  Individuals who refuse to honor this request should be reported to the Harford County Sheriff office (410-838-6600) and to the RCGA Board of Directors.
  7. Restrictions:
    • Fishing is not permitted in the beach area (including the sandy area and the water surrounding the pier or on the pier.
    • No dogs or glass containers are allowed in the beach area.
    • Motor vehicles (except maintenance vehicles) are prohibited on the Association property.
    • No persons are permitted on association property from midnight to dawn. This time restriction is on file with the Harford County Sheriff and will be strictly enforced.
  8. Please do not litter the lake area.  A trash bin is provided for refuse by the Association.  Its use will add to the beauty and enjoyment of the area and help avoid injuries that can be caused by broken bottles, cans, fishing hooks, etc.  Please do not blow autumn leaves into the lake area or dump residences woody debris into the lake area. Please curb your dog and remove your dog’s waste from the Lake Area property.
  9. Please do not leave any boat, canoe, kayak etc. parked in or on the lake unattended.  One of major expenses incurred at the lake is insurance.  The RGCA does not want an accident to occur with the temptation of a child using an unattended boat. 


rev. 4/2018



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